Ryan Malham


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  • Joshua from Smithfield, NC created a 3D building design!

Take a look at what was just created by Joshua in Smithfield, NC! This building is 18x25x9. It’s a beautiful Thursday in Smithfield, NC and Joshua is about to make a big change to his storage capabilities. With the help of a new metal building, Joshua is about to revolutionize his storage needs for the upcoming Spring season. Smithfield, NC is the lucky city that will be hosting Joshua’s new metal building.

The building will be a great addition to Joshua’s property and will provide him with the extra storage he needs. With the extra space, Joshua will be able to organize his items more efficiently and have more room to store items that he may not have had room for before.

The metal building will also be great for security and protection from the elements. With the metal walls and roof, Joshua can rest assured that his items are safe from the wind, rain, and other elements. The metal building also provides Joshua with a sense of security and protection from theft.

Overall, the metal building will be a great addition to Joshua’s property and will provide him with the extra storage he needs. With the extra space, Joshua will be able to organize his items more efficiently and have more room to store items that he may not have had room for before. Johnston County, NC will be the lucky county that will be hosting Joshua’s new metal building.

Joshua is sure to be pleased with the addition of the metal building to his property and the extra storage it will provide him with. With the extra space, Joshua will be able to better organize his items and have more room to store items that he may not have had room for before.

Joshua is sure to be pleased with the new metal building and the extra storage it will provide him with. It’s sure to be a great addition to his property and will be an asset for many years to come.
See the design in the 3D building editor here. Feel free to edit the building and request a quote for your own version today.

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